Effer-K is a great product for the self-dispensing physician.

Are you a self-dispensing physician? If so – consider dispensing Effer-K® 10, 20 and 25 mEq effervescent potassium citrate directly from your office.

Self-dispensing offers tremendous benefits for both your practice and your patients.

Having Effer-K® available in the office ensures that patients get the medication they need, avoiding delays or an additional trip to a pharmacy which improves overall patient satisfaction.

Self-dispensing also improves patient compliance. When patients are able to get their medications at their physicians’ offices, “the compliance rate…[improves] by more than 60%.”1

Self-dispensing medication also increases office productivity and revenue, as pharmacy collaboration is not required.  Offices will earn revenue from retailing Effer-K® while still offering patients a better price than what they would pay at the pharmacy.

Self-dispensing Effer-K® does not require stocking large quantities of product. Each dosage of Effer-K® is packaged with 12 cartons per case that include 30 individually wrapped, foil tablets per carton. Case prices range from $75 – $144.  All products are manufactured and distributed in St. Louis, Missouri and will be shipped via UPS.   For any questions about Effer-K® including issues regarding self-dispensing, please contact us.

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