ketongenic diet kids

We were contacted recently with a very interesting question.

“I work with one of our pediatric nephrologists who would like to use Effer-K for one of our patients.  He is really interested in the citrate component and would like to know the mEq of citrate that are contained in both the 10 and 20mEq tablets for Effer-K.  I could not find this information anywhere on your website.  I saw where it showed the amount of potassium citrate after it was in solution, but need to know the amount of potassium citrate without the potassium bicarbonate as he is hoping to use this for prevention of kidney stones rather than potassium supplementation.  If you could provide me with this information I would greatly appreciate it.”

While we do not have the indication for kidney stone treatment, the amount of citric acid to start with is as follows:

Potassium 10 mEq:   840 mg  (13.12 mEq) Citric Acid
Potassium 20 mEq:  1680 mg (26.25 mEq) Citric Acid

I hope this helps anyone who needs to know this information.

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